The emergence of Type 2 diabetes can be kept under check by following a healthy diet and also a through a cut down on certain food items and drinks. Now, drinking a particular kind of tea can help to prevent the rise of blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes refers to a condition in which the level of sugar within a person’s blood is extremely high.The situation occurs when the body of an individual fails to produce a sufficient level of insulin. It can even crop up when the cells with a person’s body do not react to insulin.
All those people, who suffer from type 2 diabetes, can control this condition by following some simple rules. First and foremost they can keep it under check by taking medicine. Apart from this, they can also do so by making some healthy choices in their lifestyle along with the consumption of a suitable diet. There is one popular drink, which has received accolades for the number of health benefits, which it carries. The drink is none other than tea. Certain research has even shown that it can prove to be extremely effective for people who suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. Research has proved that tea might improve the sensitivity towards insulin and also help to reduce the risk of coming up with type 2 diabetes in the first instance. The reason is that some types of tea contain micronutrients known as polyphenols. They might help to increase the activity of insulin. Polyphenols are filled with antioxidants, which can help to protect against inflammation and carcinogens. These are the properties which can help to prevent type 2 diabetes.
Whatever be the effect, a website has made the note that one particular study of the popular drink found out that addition of milk had decreased the effects of sensitizing insulin. The best kind of tea, which can assist in improving the activity of insulin, is this tea that does not contain milk, like black tea, oolong tea and green tea. During 2009, a study was conducted, wherein it was revealed that if anyone drinks three cups of tea every day, and then that could reduce the risk of developing the problem of type 2 diabetes by almost 40 per cent.